Parents and Carers
Pupil Premium Statement
Multidisciplinary Team Approach:
We offer a diverse range of services to enable each child to benefit from targeted support, relevant interventions and experiences within and outside formal education.
These services will include:
- Organised transport to and from school
- A structured pastoral system for each child
- The encouragement of school/home liaison
- Access to a clinical psychology team
- Access to speech and language therapy (dependent on requirements of ECHP)
- A range of healthy midday meals (including specialist diets if required) supplied by the school
- The provision of school uniform
- The arrangement of inter-school sports and leisure activities
- A range of leisure activities (including music tuition, outdoor pursuits, sport and dramatic arts, computer based activities and environmental pursuits and
- A highly profiled system of educational and behavioural objectives.
Together We Expect:
- Each child to work hard to improve his behaviour and standard of work.
- All members of the school community to treat each other with respect and to consider others at all times.
- Each pupil to walk around school sensibly ensuring safety.
- Each pupil to use appropriate language at all times.
- That all pupils should present themselves in a clean and tidy manner supported from home.
- That pupils sit sensibly in minibuses and follow the ‘Safety in Vehicle’ Code.
- That pupils eat correctly and use good table manners at lunchtimes.
- That pupils positively represent the school on outside visits and behave in a socially acceptable way.
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