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Bright Futures

Aurora Fairway School Careers Programme

Aurora Fairway School has commissioned Choices college to support us in developing and improving our careers guidance as well as adhering to the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Good Career Guidance Benchmarks. Rebuild Support will work in partnership with our Careers Leader to deliver the careers programme across all eight Gatsby Benchmarks.

As an integral component of The Choices college Careers Programme, Aurora Fairway School will implement a targeted approach to identify students who would benefit from practical experience guided by somebody with experience of their needs. Choices college will provide the school with flexible, but direct and supportive practical work experience- linked heavily to the NHS. This collaborative effort aims to create a unique bespoke programme that not only meets the Gatsby Benchmarks but also aligns with the school's overarching vision for student success.

The Gatsby Benchmarks

1. A stable career programme

  • Aurora Fairway School have developed a stable, structured careers programme that has the explicit backing of the senior management team.
  • Once agreed by the senior management team a statement will be added to the school’s website.
  • Feedback will be collated with learners to gage the impact that the stable careers programme has had. 

2. Learning from career and labour market information

  • Within the school curriculum, each KS4 learner will complete a course that focuses on the wider world of employability.

3. Addressing the needs of each student

  • The Choices college work experience-lead is a specialist in learners with complex and additional needs.
  • The administrative element of the course will be monitored by the Fairway careers lead and PSHE lead.

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

  • Choices college will provide seminars and workshops that will bridge the gap between the offsite practical experience and the school-based curriculum activities.

5. Encounters with employers and employees

  • Employers visiting site and delivering relevant and tailored seminars is embedded into the school culture and personal development programme.

6. Experiences of workplaces

  • There are a range of local career placement opportunities for learners to gain experience from.  This placement will have a “Health & Safety Assessment” and a current ELI (Employer Liability Insurance) Certificate. It will also provide an additional assessment based on any additional needs that the student may have.

7. Encounters with further and higher education

  • This will be achieved through college open days and visits, with support available from careers lead if required.

8. Personal guidance

  • Trusted adults will be accompanying all learners on any bespoke visits that are arranged. 
  • PSHE lead, Careers lead and pastoral team (including form tutors) will work with learners to ease any anxieties about transitioning to a post-16 placement.
  • All career education will go through PSHE lead and Careers lead so that a consistent approach is given to all learners.