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Our Curriculum

The Aurora Curriculum Framework

Aurora values drive everything we do and give us a framework within which we develop our services. They inform our curriculum (what we teach our children and young people) and provide our schools and colleges with an overarching intent and aim. This helps us understand the impact our teaching has by providing clear and aspirational targets. 

The Aurora Curriculum Framework unites us all whilst providing the freedom for each of our schools and colleges to develop bespoke, ambitious and tailored curriculum models and learning pathways for our students.

Aurora recognises that all students should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which engages and challenges them.  All students need to work at a level which is appropriate to their understanding, relevant to their chronological age and at a rate that suits their individual abilities.  Teaching is approached with the focus on the individual needs of the student. Each student should have a tailored curriculum based upon their baseline assessment, previous academic outcomes,  long-term learning targets and life aspirations.  

The Aurora Curriculum intent is to:

Aurora Value


Create centres of excellence, providing an outstanding, personalised education for all learners.


Children and young people experience a rich variety of unique opportunities which support individual development and success.
Give our learners the drive and ambition to succeed and become the best versions of themselves in their education, employment, mental health, and independence in adulthood.


Learners make outstanding progress and achieve the qualifications, skills and outcomes which will enable them to thrive in the next stage of their lives.
Provide personalised support and a nurturing approach to enable our students to become compassionate, independent learners.


Children and young people are well prepared for the demands of ever-changing life in 21st century Britain and become active participants in their communities.
Develop every young person's social and emotional growth, and life skills.


Learners are able to communicate confidently and engage successfully with others and the wider world.
Create environments where children and young people are safe to develop as individuals, where they can learn from mistakes, overcome their barriers to learning and develop resilience.


Children and young people know how to take appropriate risks, keep themselves safe (physically and digitally), and are able to secure the support.