Rebuild Support Careers Programme
Aurora Hedgeway School has commissioned Rebuild Support to support us in developing and improving our careers guidance as well as adhering to the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Good Career Guidance Benchmarks. Rebuild Support will work in partnership with our Careers Leader to deliver the careers programme across all eight Gatsby Benchmarks.

As an integral component of The Rebuild Support Careers Programme, Aurora Hedgeway School will implement a targeted approach to identify students who would benefit from career interviews. Rebuild will provide the school with an electronic per-assessment tool, to assist the careers advisor with each students’ individual careers plan. This collaborative effort aims to create a unique bespoke programme that not only meets the Gatsby Benchmarks but also aligns with the school's overarching vision for student success.
The Gatsby Benchmarks
A stable career programme
- Aurora Hedgeway School have developed a stable, structured careers programme that has the explicit backing of the senior management team.
- Once agreed by the senior management team a statement will be added to the school’s website.
- Feedback will be captured by different ways to show distance travelled.
Learning from career and labour market information
- Within the school curriculum. Staff will be trained by CareerPilot to use the Careerpilot website which enables both students and parents to access and use information about labour markets and future study options to inform their support to their children’s career pathways.
Addressing the needs of each student
- Each student will have a folder allocated to them with their individual Moving on Plan.
- These folders will be kept in school for students to access.
- Rebuild Support will, with the Transitions Team and contribute to destinations and provide data for subsequent data comparisons.
Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Rebuild Support will provide a range of career-based workshops that will count as career encounters to enhance their careers awareness and knowledge.
Encounters with employers and employees
- Rebuild Support will support the staff with arranging a series of speakers and employer visits.
Experiences of workplaces
- Each Year 10 student will undertake an experience of work placement. This placement will have a “Health & Safety Assessment” and a current ELI (Employer Liability Insurance) Certificate. It will also provide an additional assessment based on any additional needs that the student may have).
Encounters with further and higher education
- This will be achieved through parents’ evenings where Post 16 providers, Sixth Forms and FE Colleges will be present.
Personal guidance
- Rebuild Support will provide each student with an initial careers interview and any subsequent follow-up interview. The advice/guidance and any decisions discussed will be recorded on a “Moving on Plan” and filed within their allocated folder.