Our School
Aurora Eccles is an independent, specialist day school for students aged 11-18 who have experienced difficulties in mainstream settings, either as a result of specific learning difficulties or more complex communication and interaction difficulties (including those associated with autism spectrum conditions).
We have high expectations for all our students and we encourage them to expect more for themselves. We offer a personalised package of education and support to each student, designed around the needs identified in their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Our ambition is to give our students all the skills they need to lead an independent, fulfilling adult life. We do this not only by providing opportunities for them to achieve academically, but also by helping them develop the practical skills necessary to manage their own physical, emotional and social wellbeing and to understand their place in the world.
The Aurora Eccles journey
When a young person arrives at Aurora Eccles, we commit to exploring ways of helping them fulfil their potential in every area of their life.
We begin by rebuilding their faith in school and education, by creating an environment where they feel safe and able to learn. We take a positive approach to behaviour management, encouraging the development of a strong sense of identity while promoting effective interaction with others.
Individual pastoral support and care for each student is provided by their form teacher, who also has regular contact with their parents and carers to offer support, guidance and a link to other staff and departments. For students requiring higher levels of support, provision can be made – either full time or periodically – to facilitate participation in school activities.
Throughout their time with us, students have an opportunity to achieve a range of qualifications, from pre-entry-level certificates through to higher-grade GCSEs, depending on their needs, abilities and interests.
By the time they leave us, each of our students will be in a position to make meaningful, informed choices about their own future, whether that is by accessing further education, or through appropriate vocational training or employment.
Open Mornings
We offer Open Mornings throughout the school year. This is an opportunity to visit the school and wider site as part of a small group escorted by either a member of the SEND team or a Senior colleague. The Open Mornings take place during term time so that you are able to see the school day in progress. For more information and to book a place (all places must be pre-booked) please email referrals@the-aurora-group.com in the first instance.