Our Outcomes
We are proud to list evidence of the progress and performance of our students.
Outcomes 2024
- 100% pass rate in English Language GCSE - 5 students sat the exam, with 1 student achieving a grade 7.
- 100% pass rate in English Literature GCSE - 1 student sat the exam and achieved a grade 8.
- 100% pass rate in Maths GCSE - 6 students sat the exam, with 3 students achieving grade 5 and above.
- 100% pass rate in Combined Science GCSE - 3 students sat the exam with 3 students achieving grade 5 and above.
- 75% pass rate in History GCSE - 3 students sat the exam, with 1 student achieving a grade 6.
- 100% pass rate in Psychology GCSE - 4 students sat the exam, with 1 student achieving a grade 5.
- 100% pass rate in Citizenship GCSE - 2 students sat the exam, with 1 student achieving a grade 7.
- 100% pass rate in BTEC Home Cooking.
- 100% pass rate for all students at Entry Level in English.
- 100% pass rate for all students at Entry Level Maths.
Outcomes 2023
- 80% pass rate in English GCSE - 5 students sat the exam, with one student achieving a grade 5.
- 100% pass rate in English Functional Skills Level 2.
- 75% pass rate in Maths GCSE - 4 students sat the exam, with one student achieving a grade 5.
- 100% pass rate in Maths Functional Skills Level 1.
- 100% pass rate in Science GCSE - 2 students sat the exam, with one student achieving a grade 4.
- 100% pass rate in Science Functional Skills Level 2.
- 100% pass rate in Art GCSE - 1 student sat the exam and achieved level 6.
100% of leavers transition into further education or apprenticeships.
All students attend college link courses which allow them to choose the correct pathway for their future.
An Independent Careers Advisor supports our students to access the correct course that will best enhance their opportunities for employment, increasing Gatsby benchmarks above mainstream schools.
Aurora Caterham Education Centre Student and Parent Testimonials
"I just wanted to give a little update email this evening to say how incredibly proud we all are of Tyler, he came home with what I can positively describe as the most amazing cottage pie we have all ever tasted. He had made it today at school and was over the moon and so pleased with himself and the fact we all ate it and enjoyed it for dinner this evening, and he gave Grandad the evening off to make dinner for us all." Parent of Student at Caterham Education Centre