Freddie's story
Life before Aurora Hanley School: Freddie, diagnosed with ASC and anxiety, initially attended a mainstream high school with over 1,500 students. He struggled with the large school environment, crowds, and noise, which led to a reduced timetable in Year 7 and ongoing issues with attendance.
Transition to Aurora: In 2020, Freddie joined Aurora Hanley School, where he stayed until 2023 before moving on to college. At Hanley, he received tailored support from the clinical team, which specifically focused on diagnosis awareness, emotional management, self-esteem, and mindfulness. He also benefited from weekly Speech and Language and 1:1 sessions that helped him manage his anxiety, improve sleep and school attendance, and prepare for his future.
Achievements: By the time Freddie graduated in 2023, he had earned various qualifications, including Functional Skills, GCSEs & BTEC.
- Functional Skills in English & Maths
- BTEC in Home Cooking Skills GCSEs in Art, Craft and Design & Foundation Mathematics
- Entry Level Certificate in Science
- Prince’s Trust Award in Personal Development & Employability Skills
Future: Freddie's journey at Aurora Hanley School equipped him with the skills, confidence, and qualifications to continue his educational journey at college