Parents and Carers
Building trust
We take a positive approach to behaviour support at Aurora Severnside. We believe that managing behaviour is first and foremost about relationships and trust.
We use PACE and Restorative approaches to support our students to grow and develop socially and emotionally. We support our students to develop the skills needed to manage conflict and challenges in order to support them to grow into healthy, happy and productive members of society.
Supporting families
Everything we do, we do in partnership with parents/carers. We actively seek and listen to feedback from students, families and staff, to find out what’s working well, and what we can do better.
Our specialist team works in partnership with families to develop strategies to support behaviour and anxiety at home.
School meals are provided and we can offer a choice of where students eat depending on their needs, this could be with others or 1:1. Special dietary requirements are catered for (due to allergies, intolerance, religious and other beliefs).
Term dates
Our term dates are sent to parents and carers annually. They are also available here.
Parent Feedback