From outdoor adventures to life lessons: Duke of Edinburgh at Aurora Meldreth Manor School

At Aurora Meldreth Manor School, our students have been busy taking part in a range of exciting and educational activities as part of their Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) programme. From planning and participating in expeditions to hands-on learning experiences, they have shown teamwork, creativity and resilience.
The Duke of Edinburgh programme provides enriching experiences for our students, helping them develop essential life skills while having a great time. Whether exploring the outdoors, learning first aid, or getting creative, every activity is a step towards greater independence and confidence.
Expedition planning and preparation
Students planned their expedition route through Meldreth. They identified key landmarks to visit and document along the way, ensuring they could provide evidence of their journey.
Preparation was an important part of the process. They checked the weather forecast and discussed appropriate clothing for the expedition - realising that a coat would be more useful than swimming trunks for a walk outside!
“Eshan found holding his swimming trunks very funny! He was supported to hold his coat to understand which was best to wear on the walk.” Teaching Assistant
They also gathered essentials like sun cream, hats and water bottles. To help everyone get ready the next morning, group leaders put together a handy leaflet, which was read aloud to the students.
First aid training
Students took part in first aid training, practising how to apply plasters and bandages as well as performing CPR on a doll.
Sensory learning 
In the afternoon, students explored the letters of their names using pipe cleaners, shaping them with their hands and tracing the contours. This sensory activity made spelling fun and interactive, and it was wonderful to see the excitement as they recognised their own names in a creative way.
Sports, teamwork and creativity
Students kicked off the morning with football skills training, preparing for a friendly match. The game took place in the musical garden, where teams were formed and everyone got involved - whether by kicking, pushing or tracking the ball. It was a fantastic opportunity to build coordination skills and teamwork, with lots of laughter and smiles throughout.
In the afternoon, students took part in a hands-on activity making sticky dough, which they used to shape the first letter of their name. Some even matched their creations to letters from a tray, while others enjoyed squashing the dough and feeling its texture.