11 July
Aurora Hedgeway School Celebrates Modeshift Stars Award for Eco-Friendly Travel

Aurora Hedgeway School has proudly received the Modeshift Stars Education Travel Plan Award, recognising commitment to promoting sustainable travel. This accolade highlights the school's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and encourage environmentally friendly commuting.
What is Modeshift Stars? 
Modeshift Stars is a National Award that helps schools find ways for staff and students to get to school that are better for the environment.
What are we already doing well?
We are proud to say that we have already done well to have achieved the Modeshift Stars Good Travel Plan Award!
- We share cars and taxis to school, which is better for the environment
- Staff car share and some staff cycle to school
- We have ‘No Idling’ signs in the car park to encourage drivers to turn off their engines
- Staff park at the Wave to reduce emissions in the car park
- We have 2 x Hybrid electric school vehicles
What can we do better?
We are now working towards the Modeshift Stars Very Good Travel Plan
- We can encourage more people to car share
- When school vehicles need replacing, we can replace them with electric vehicles
- More people could cycle to school
- We can learn about more ways to reduce our carbon footprint
As Aurora Hedgeway School celebrates this achievement, we remain committed to furthering these travel initiatives. We plan to expand our services and continue to engage with the local community to create a greener, healthier future for all.