Our Curriculum
We offer flexible, tailored programmes of learning at Aurora Hedgeway, enabling each student’s education to fit around their own needs and learning styles.
Learning at Key Stages 2 and 3 is centred on the National Curriculum, with core subjects being English, Maths, Science, PSHCE and PE. This is supported by Geography, History, Computing, SEAL, Personal Development, Music and Art and Food technology, which are taught through a mixture of timetabled lessons and project-based learning. We teach to stage not age to ensure that the learning is differentiated to each child.
At Key Stage 4, all pupils can gain accreditations in English, Maths and Science at Entry level, Functional Skills and GCSE. We also offer GCSE Art and ASDAN Units as an option.
All pupils from aged 14 and above have Careers Education and Preparation for Adulthood sessions. All pupils from Year 11, students have the opportunity to achieve a range of post-16 academic and vocational qualifications in addition to further qualifications in English, Maths and Science
We offer timetabled outdoor learning sessions which incorporate forest school, applied science and design and technology themes, throughout each Key Stage. We also encourage students to develop their sense of community through participation in School Council, Pupil Assembly, Lunchtime Clubs and School Library.