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Bright Futures

Aurora Hanley School Careers Programme

As a parent/carer you are one of the most influential people in your child’s life and in the best possible position to support your child as they consider their future, review their options and make choices. There are many organisations that offer advice and support to parents at various stages of their child’s career pathway.

Careers Policy including Careers Programme

The Gatsby Benchmarks

1. A stable career programme

Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, governors and employers. 

  • Aurora Hanley have developed a clear, well established careers programme which is embedded through the school’s career policy. Aurora Hanley evaluates the effectiveness of the careers programme annually, and an action plan is implemented to aid further development. 
  • Aurora Hanley take into consideration feedback  regarding the careers programme from students, parents,  and teachers by asking them to complete a survey based on guidance and support given in relation to careers.
  • All pupils receive independent careers advice annually from years 7-11 and post 16.
  • A report is produced by the independent career’s advisor with a summary of the careers meeting, goals both long term and short term for the pupil, provided with research opportunities such as websites, links to look at for the student and for the parent also based on colleges, apprenticeships, and other pathway routes.
  • Pupils also have access to additional visitors throughout the academic year such as a Michelin Starred Chef and an annual week of visits from External Speakers in Summer.

2. Learning from career and labour market

Every student, and their parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information. 

  • Aurora Hanley encourage and support parents/ carers by informing them about future study options, career transition pathways, and provide them with up to date information about the labour market. During annual reviews personalised pathways are discussed for students which supports parents and decisions for the future. Students have their own ‘My Pathway’ document which is updated by staff at Aurora and shared within students EHCP meetings with both parents/ carers.
  • All curriculum areas have a subject specific display board linked to labour market information based on their own subject area accessible for students to read about statistics and jobs which could be a possible option for the future based on the subject itself. 
  • As part of the students morning tutor programme every Wednesday students have the opportunity to focus upon careers. Students regularly update their pathway documents which are used in EHCPS and shared with parents. Students complete activities from the National Careers pack such as Labour Market information,  PSHE- employability- career options, Maths links- wage slips, budgeting. Within English- CV writing, personal statements.

3. Addressing the needs of each student

Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each student. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout.

  • Students have individual independent careers advice. Systematic records are kept at Aurora Hanley within each student’s individual pathway file. Documents are kept online and accessible for staff. Copies of reports are sent to parents/carers.
  • During EHCP reviews parents/ carers are provided with a copy of the careers programme. Parents/ carers receive a hard copy of the students individual career report which includes next steps and suggested actions. These actions are often addressed by the form tutor by providing time in tutor time to work towards the set targets i.e. additional research on future colleges, entry requirements, links to websites etc. Students have access to these documents and are regularly updated as a live working document in order to support their career development.
  • Aurora Hanley collect and maintain accurate data for each pupil on their education, work experience, feel good Friday opportunities using the careers and post 16 tracker where all of this information is documented and regularly updated. 
  • Information is shared with parents/ carers about all activities taking place such as Feel Good Friday/ Enterprises/College visits/Careers week.

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths. 

  • At Aurora Hanley students are provided with a broad and balanced curriculum where links are made to careers across a range of subjects and topic areas. Students have the opportunity to work with external people such as author Chris Bonello within English, and a Michelin starred chef within Food Technology. 
  •  Students have the opportunity to take part in the Annual Careers week where external speakers are invited in to discuss a broad variety of career options to provide an insight of what each job entails, possible options for the future in line with own pathway and career aspirations. 
  • All students access and take part in the Feel Good Friday an initiative to develop life skills, personal and social development and independent travel support, again providing students with real life experiences linked to possible careers and future aspirations. These opportunities are documented within the students individual pathway folder. 

5. Encounters with employers and employees

Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes. 

  • At Aurora Hanley students are provided with enrichment activities such as having educational visitors to speak to students about skills required and valued within the workplace. These have included Michelin Star Chefs, and Authors.
  • Students learn about different careers available through Careers week where guest speakers come in to discuss different jobs, skills, attributes to the role. A vast variety of speakers are considered to suit students interests and career aspirations for the future.
  • Lower School carry out an annual careers drop down day. 

6. Experiences of workplaces

Every student should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.

  • At Aurora Hanley students within Post 16 are provided with a minimum of a six week block of work experience.  A Health and Safety Assessment is carried out to ensure the placement is suitable for the students. The placement is based around the students interests and career pathway. Students are given an insight of how to prepare for the world of work,  as well as the skills and attributes required for the job role. Students then get an understanding throughout the duration of the work experience placement as to whether or not they like the career choice or if they may wish to look at something else. 

7. Encounters with further and higher education

All students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace. 

  • Students at Aurora Hanley have a full range of learning opportunities which are made available to them such as  college visits, sixth forms, apprenticeship providers or universities. At Aurora Hanley students have had the opportunity to visit colleges and Universities within Feel Good Friday and have carried out successful projects such as film production at Staffordshire University. Students are given the opportunity during these visits to meet both staff and pupils. 
  • Students are provided with the option to explore both academic and vocational pathways depending on individual preferences and the students needs. Options may include more life skill, practical hands on opportunities. 
  • By the age of 16-19, all students who are considering applying for an apprenticeship, college, or  university will have had the opportunity to complete at least two visits within one of these learning opportunities. 
  • Students will have the opportunity to explore what it is like to learn within that particular environment and are usually invited to attend a taster day as a ‘a meaningful encounter’.

8. Personal guidance

Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a trained career adviser.  These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are being made.

  • All Students receive careers advice and guidance from a trained careers advisor from Years 7-11 and Post 16 also. Interviews with the careers advisor are offered to each student either on a 1:1 basis or within a small group.
  • The careers discussion is a typed document which is handed out to both parents/ carers and is stored in the students Individual Pathway folder. Actions from the discussion are checked upon throughout the academic year to see if short term goals, long term goals have been worked upon, achieved etc.
  • Where students need an ad-hoc appointment we facilitate this.