Careers Information
Careers Information and Labour Market Information
As a parent/carer you are one of the most influential people in your child’s life and in the best possible position to support your child as they consider their future, review their options and make choices. There are many organisations that offer advice and support to parents at various stages of their child’s career pathway.
Please find below a list of useful links and contacts:
Cheshire Entrust- Careers support for Cheshire Pupils
Tel: 0333 300 1900 Email:
Staffordshire Entrust – Careers support for Staffordshire Pupils
Tel: 0333 300 1900 Email:
Careers support for Stoke Pupils
Text - 07879 115678 Telephone: 01782 237747 Email:
A good website for young people and their family to explore. Take the Buzz Quiz, find out about a huge variety of jobs and watch inspirational career story videos.
Students and parents can explore Cheshire and Warrington’s Start webpages to find out about local employers, careers and study routes.
First Careers
This website is great for younger students to explore how their favourite subjects can lead to a range of careers and discover work experience opportunities with well-known employers.
All students can browse one of the most comprehensive lists of job profiles giving information about the role, qualifications, salary and the skills required. There are also tips for gaining work experience in each career.
This is more than just a universities website. Young people and their families can find out about different careers, apprenticeships, going to college as well as university.